Dreams and Memories

SEasy: Slight drizzle but the water was not as cold as I thought. It rained yesterday and the air was cool this morning so I'm curious. Raymond did say he added water. Could that be it? Anyway, the swim went fine. The new girl's name is Arni. Hmmmm. Let's see how she'll do. There's been a couple of fireouts in just 6 months.

I lost the plastic stopper for the towel tube rope. Good that I didn't get rid of the old tube so now I can use the spare. Last night I was trying to learn to sing the song "Dreams and Memories" (Toselli's Serenade) by Perry Como. The more I hear it, the more I believe I've heard this many times before when I was very very young. Anyway, I found another version by a Mary Scneider on the net. Her voice is(was?) really nice but I was completely surprised that her version has a yodelling part. I don't know if it was a fad at the time.Renz got a smack on the butt last night for continually interrupting while somebody (Dada) was practicing. I played the piece slowly last night. It makes a big difference on the learning and it still sounds nice even with the slow tempo. There's no hurry and missed/skipped notes and I'm focusing more what keys to press with what fingers. I think I could practice it even more slowly.

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