
3W, DEasy:

I've read in one swim board about the risk of osteoporosis for those who take up swimming as their regular activity. This article, Swimming and Osteoporosis, in particular got me a little worried. I never got into various regular sports like basketball in the past and the only real exercise that I did regularly in the past was running everyday around the office building. A sore left knee made me stop. I also did weight training but a sprained lower back due to heavy deadlifts made me stop. I'm now contemplating hard on how to get back into weight training. And this time, to supplement my diet with calcium as the article suggests. Funny, I looked at my old dusted little notebook where I logged in my weight exercises and poundages and I was dismayed to find my last entry was Friday, Sept 3, 2004. Holy Camote! And this was the attempt to get back into weights after I finished my back rehab in that same year. I believe my swimming distracted me and I sorta quit weight training altogether. Gotta start dusting the old barbell and dumbbell plates and bars again.

I've set aside the small Eye-mo plastic bottle for the Algar Ear drops. That bottle would only contain 7.5 ml. In its place, I'm now using an old Elica plastic bottle that can contain 30 ml. It's not a squirt bottle but it has a secure cap. Just tilt and the drops trickle. Now I don't have to replenish as often. Hmmmm, maybe one of these days, I'll post a pic of the stuff I have in my swimbag which I always lug around inside my car.

That's me, updating this blog at home.

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