Williams' Exercises for Low Back Pain Relief and Rehab - Part 2

(This is the continuation of Part 1)

In the preceding article, I briefly discussed my employing the Willams' exercises for lower back pain relief and rehab that led to my successful recovery. A brief history and description of the exercises were also mentioned. The following are illustrations of the lying exercises I performed for my therapy.

Williams' Exercises for Low Back Pain Relief and Rehab

As I'm getting older, it looks like injuries are coming aplenty. Just as I was contemplating on undergoing physical therapy for my left shoulder, I hurt my lower back.

Unfortunately I'm not exactly sure how I hurt it. The only activity I did recently was to cut grass in our backyard lawn.

I do this by sitting on a low stool with a pair of garden grass shears. It's either that or my poor posture at the computer again.

Thankfully, I already know a set of low back exercises called the Williams' Flexion Exercises that alleviates low back pain.

So I performed these exercises twice a day for a week. I was pleasantly surprised that the pain was totally gone after a week.

I'm still amazed how this chart of exercises have benefitted me and so I decided to write about these exercises as a mode for lower back pain treatment.