Length-4, Halfbreast-3: To complete the length, begin by alternate breathing. When bilateral breathing becomes hard, switch to right side.
Details of freestyle going out:
Details of freestyle going out:
- From deep end, kick off from wall and dolphin kick.
- Pulsate from the chest with hand lead directing the body. Not so deep coz you'll slow down too much and need time to resurface.
- After resurfacing (at 5m?) stroke with the right arm and breath (count 3) and then:
- Count 1 - Stroke left, exhale
- Count 2 - Stroke right, exhale
- Count 3 - Stroke left AND breath
- Do bilateral breathing towards the end.
- Go to rightside breathing when bilateral becomes hard. Maintain speed !!!
Details of backstroke coming back:
- From shallow end, after touching the wall, walk back (active rest) until the middle half of the pool at the lamp post.
- Do breaststroke with long stramline until deep end.
- Long rest.
Milestone: Able to do the one-arm lead for back streamline. Able to do the head lead for back streamline. Able to continuous two-arm stroking - but limited. Just notice that legs were swaying side-to-side while kicking.
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