TEPTE: Although the sun is attempting to show up, the water's still cold. One downside of not having swam for a few days is to load up on the eating. With the rains, it's just tempting to eat more. So today, I felt sluggish in the water.
Renz's dance at the family day yesterday went well. All that practice and preparations for the Bump-It dance number finally paid off. There's Mr. Pure Energy himself and the "Manoobers". This is the number prepared by Level 1 Daycare.
He was just warming up when they had to bodily take him off the stage to give way for the other numbers. There were song numbers, a poem and the Level 2 (with pompoms) number that followed. Level 3, the first number also did the Bump-It dance.
All that dancing, twisting, bumping and kicking left Mr. Pure Energy out of energy and hungry. Buti na lang maraming pansit thanx to Tita Gay and the food committee. There was also puto, menudo, lumpiang shanghai and rice.

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Renz looked cuuuute with his black attire. It looks like he will be a great dancer someday.
On swimming - - - I guess we still have to look for somebody to teach us and look for a pool where we could be taught. Maybe, we will look for one someday.
Renz was actually the first to learn the steps and I thought he burnt-out quickly coz they had practiced too many times for the others to catch up and learn.