Did a few switches from Free to Back and vise-versa. Very messy and still very crude. It's Holy Week so no swim lessons today. It was quiet at the pool. Am not so keen on swimming for the rest of the week. There's certainly lots of pool cleaning to be done over there.
Went over to Quiapo this weekend for a refrac and a new set of lenses. Progressive is at P2,200. I also bought a 512 mem pro duo (with adaptor) at P2,300 - a bargain to SM's stick at P3,600.
Yesterday, we celebrated Karen's graduation (way overdue) with a swim and dinner. Karen's getting better with the elementary backstroke and she's happy. I realize I have some pics to post. Will do that later.
Went over to Quiapo this weekend for a refrac and a new set of lenses. Progressive is at P2,200. I also bought a 512 mem pro duo (with adaptor) at P2,300 - a bargain to SM's stick at P3,600.
Yesterday, we celebrated Karen's graduation (way overdue) with a swim and dinner. Karen's getting better with the elementary backstroke and she's happy. I realize I have some pics to post. Will do that later.
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