DH, Sandra and I finally watched "The Guardian" last Saturday evening. I didn't realized that going to Festival mall on a Saturday evening (around 7pm) could be a breeze! All I knew was that Friday night's traffic is always horrendous. We analyzed the reason to be the office gangs that go there straight from the office on Fridays. Anyway, the movie was okay. I think watching too much trailers kinda spoils the fun. But Sandra liked it a lot! She was the only one who tagged along coz Renz slept even before DH came from the doctor, Che slept coz she was too tired from the review and Karen was busy tapping away on the computer. I just promised them that they could watch a movie they'd like more on sem-break. Coming out from the cinema, Sandra had this wondering look in her eyes as she saw most of the shops already closed. I supposed it's the first time she saw closing shops and people leaving the mall.
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