The campaign activities for the May 10 elections have ended and that meant no more annoying heavy traffic. And with the summer heat, we thought it was a nice time to get out and cool off.
I think the kids, especially the girls (or is that ladies, now?), were really into Mother's Day this year. The night before, after DH went to bed and dozed off, the girls all went downstairs excitedly.
I thought they were up to something but wasn't sure. I saw them preparing some ingredients and some pans and they said it was a secret. So I just left them and went to bed too.
Origami Doll
The following morning, Mother's Day, Renz gave a present that he helped prepare. This was a paper doll on a stick. Notice the carefully folded origami apron.
Cute. I don't think DH ever had curly blond hair nor flashes the "peace" sign when cooking, though. :) Renz was very proud of his present and dared me what my gift was.
I didn't have any. But I remembered working on a DIY project a day before and so I volunteered that.
DIY Project
This was the whiteboard I put up on the inside of the door in the pantry under the stairs. I was recently busy clearing an area in the garage for my home gym and in the process, I recovered an old and dirty whiteboard.
I thought it would be nice to put this into good use as some sort of a memory or reminders board. DH always has this tendency to forget items to buy when grocery shopping.
It took a while to really clean it, and with a couple of screws, mounted it on the inside of the pantry door. Now, whenever anything needs to be added for grocery shopping, we just write it on the whiteboard - next to the grocery pantry itself for easy access.
When we're ready to go for groceries, DH just copies the list on a small slip of paper. In the past, the grocery list is written on loose leaves of paper that inadvertently get lost.
Mother's Day Cake
Finally, after our day swimming, at dinnertime, Che took out the girls' masterpiece. It was a chocolate refrigerator cake with a new recipe they got from somewhere. This is the secret they were working on the night before.
Believe me, it definitely tastes far better than it LOOKS. What a delicious way to cap a tiring yet enjoyable day.
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