
After almost 2 weeks, I swam again today. Two week lull was largely due to the allergy I had which led to colds. Am on medication this whole week with Neozep, Carbocisteine and Virlix. Tip: take virlix when you seem to have cold especially when sneezing comes form old musty and dusty paper. Was earlier today than usual since I piced up Che's report card. Lots of rowdy kids at pool and a lonesome girl. I managed just 4 slow laps in about 50 mins. since I was resting/ watching most of the time.

Arms felt really tired today even at the pool. Maybe it's time to stack on Glutamax and Creatine again. I realized that the comfortable feel for the water can be experienced after a few easy laps. Then be conscious of getting relaxed in the water and taking it easy. Be sure to switch off the panic button when full, unstretched, just arrived, just drank, just eaten - in other words, not yet relaxed. It also helps to feeeeel, scull the water and do simulated strokes before swimming.

I realized that in the past outings when I didn't yet know how to swim, the few episodes that I thought I was successful, I was already getting into a RELAXED state. So, to enjoy early on, it is very important to enter into a very RELAXED state. I guess it is critical that you enter this state first before venturing into deep water. I was sweating today at the office. It's either the weather outside or the workout I had or both.

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