My last entry was August 11? Gosh, has it been THAT long? I guess for some time there, I just lost interest in updating the blog. Not that there wasn't anything to post. There were lots actually, but I was just too lazy/ unmotivated to post. Fact is, I've got so much in my mind lately - mostly on career change of sorts, that really distracts me from my usual routine.
I attended and evaluated (of course) at the Charter Installation of the Kimberly Clark Toastmasters Club last August 18. This was held at the Poquito Mas Resto at Westgate. The place is nice. The club took the function room upstairs for the proceedings.
I attended and evaluated (of course) at the Charter Installation of the Kimberly Clark Toastmasters Club last August 18. This was held at the Poquito Mas Resto at Westgate. The place is nice. The club took the function room upstairs for the proceedings.

See all my Toastmasters Speeches online here!
Swim update:
As fate would have it (doncha love these cliches?), I renewed my annual swimming membership for a whopping Php3000! Yup, that's DOUBLE the old rate, for cryin' out loud. But it's still a good deal for me since I'm in the pool almost every day. I've done a couple of swims per week recently. I found a 1-peso coin today to add to the Blackdove's Treasure Trove.
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