- I was just super tired with all the swimming I did. I guess I lost some of the conditioning I gained after I stopped swimming for a while.
- My neck muscles got the brunt of my heads-up breaststroke when I swam to the “payong-payong” rock formation and the soreness is creeping to my head.
- I missed my hypertension medication Pritor last Saturday.
- I ate something REALLY bad.
- My sinus got congested from the swimming.
TM District Convention is fast approaching on May 1 at Tagaytay. But I won’t be going due to a prior commitment. Speaking of Toastmasters, my speech last Thursday (Apr17) on Interpreting Poetry in the Interpretive Reading manual went smoothly.
It wasn’t as good as I expected though. Reading the speech material just makes me less animated, I suppose.
To see all my Toastmasters Speeches online click on here!
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