House to Rent

Today we spent the entire day cleaning the house where we’ll stay while our old house of 20 years is demolished and a new house constructed in its place.

The house we’ll rent is at the back of our house towards the right. In other words, it’s adjacent to our back neighbor. It's been vacated for almost 3 weeks now.

In terms of location, it’s probably the best among the houses we looked. It’s also the cheapest at Php5K. Others ranged from 6K to 10K. But it’s also one of the most rundown as you’ll see later.

First on the list is access to the house. We cleared the backyard corners and put ladders. Here’s the red ladder going out from our house.

And here’s the ladder going into the renthouse backyard. That’s DH is going down from the ladder and Sandra’s on the red ladder in our yard.

It’s been almost a week that the kids have started assembling the boxes I took home from the office. Of course when there are empty big carton boxes, it becomes playtime especially for the young ones.

Some of the books have already been removed from the bookshelves and placed inside.

There’s plenty of work to do in the renthouse. There are window panes that need caulking and empty panes that need to be covered.

The place isn’t very spacious inside, but it’ll have to do for the next 6 months or so. We’ll be seven occupying this renthouse. There are 2 bedrooms and some of the windows don’t even open. Ugh.

The backyard is big though and there are a couple of fruit-bearing mango trees. That’s Mang Bert the carpenter fixing-up the window panes. At the back corner is the ladder that leads to our house.

The front yard is full of overgrown weeds that needed clearing.

This is the garage that has plenty of roof leaks. One consideration we had when hunting for a renthouse is a covered garage for the car and for the dog.

Even little Renz helped in the clearing up operations, here raking up the weeds.

It’s gonna be tiring for the next few weeks!

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