Completed my ACS, on to ACG

I've not posted a Toastmasters-related entry for quite some time now. Ever since I became the club webmaster, I've been busy maintaining our club website at and club blog at These kept me busy on Toastmasters related matters and I've not had time to post Toastmasters entries elsewhere.

Well, just a year ago, I started my journey towards my ACS (Advanced Communicator Silver) with this entry in this blog. A year and 10 Advanced Manual speeches and 2 Successful Club speeches later I've completed all the requirements. So now I'm taking on the next journey toward ACG (Advanced Toastmasters Gold).

Anyway, to see the list of all my Toastmasters speeches click either here or here. Either way, both sites currently point to the same set of speeches. One of these sites will soon disappear though.

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