House Atrium

In a recent entry, I mentioned our breakfast nook. Maybe it's time I post entries about some things in our new house that seem a bit unique.

This is a photo of our kitchen where you can see the kitchen table at the lower right. But with the door open, you will notice the outside flooded with light.

Outside the door is our dirty kitchen. (It's not dirty as in "dirty". We simply call the secondary kitchen outside the house as "dirty kitchen".)

So where does the radiant light come from?

The "secret" is in the skylight we had installed outside the door. Well, no rocket science there.

Because of the bright skylight overhead, we sometimes call this area "the atrium". This area is always bright and not warm at all since there's a breeze most of the time.

In our previous house, the layout was similar to what we have now but we observed that the middle part of the covered part from garage to dirty kitchen would be dim. A dimly lit area tends to invite mosquitoes and sometimes rats. Here's the skylight as seen from inside the kitchen.

It's an energy saver because we never turn the light on during the day. It's certainly a welcome change to what we had before. We envisioned some indoor plants (probably cacti) arranged in some racks - but we'll see.

Here's the skylight as seen from the dirty kitchen. That steel gate at the right leads to the garage at the front. You could even see our front gate and part of the street.

The skylight was made from a piece of ribbed fiberglass (R-type) and similar to long span roofing. Fiberglass start to darken though at 10 years. But for now, I'm loving this piece of addition that we requested from the architect.

Go ahead, post your comment below!

i-Observer said...

Breakfast nook in the kitchen with granite top, dirty kitchen and skylight! What more can you ask for? Nice.

Blackdove said...

Hi Bong. Yes, I was lucky to have kept an eye on the site. Many changes (a couple of major ones) have been incorporated before the final finishing phase. Sabi nga ng engr, "mabuti na kung ngayon na tayo magbaklas at magbakbak, hindi yung kung kelan naka-pintura na."