Tight Neck and Back

TEPE: Noontime workout today. There was a drizzle in the morning and besides, I took Che to school for her second grading exams with flag ceremony at 8am.

I felt tightness with my neck muscles at the back (more like the traps) on both tread and paddle. And that is why I modifed the session a little. It must've been the whole weekend of sawing and chopping. The new hacksaw's holding up really great. We discovered that termites have started chewing on some of the stacked mango wood. So I spent much of my weekend clearing the pile and sawing like crazy. I've now got sore hand, triceps and butt.

It was cloudy today but am glad I still went swimming. Found another sunken treasure and it's a yellow wrist band with the embossed inscription "Battlegrounds" and the Nike logo. I can't find any use for it so it's not really a treasure - just a find.

I saw Manay Cherry today after I got Gemma's keys from Eve at the apt. We talked briefly about her daughter Faith in Italy who now has a second daughter. Throughout the conversation, Manay Cherry had this puzzled look on her face. I'll bet it was coz she was trying to recall my name (or worse, who I was!)

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