I fear that this blog is starting to turn into a Toastmasters blog rather than a Swimming blog. It's too cold in the mornings and it rained hard today. Ah well. Now I get to do a little more on toastmastering. Speaking of which, tomorrow is the induction of officers. I wonder if the other officers know who they are.
It's been rather hard convincing folks to take on officership. Me, am feeling great and excited about this VP-PR thing. Fact is my mind has been racing day and night on ideas to really put this show on the road - in the office of course. I'm just wondering why the other guys can't find 'free time' when they're single and unattached? Wanna talk about free time? Hey, I've got 4 kids who I help everynight with their schoolwork and a business on the side to attend to! Geez.
Anyway, we'll be having Gov. Carina "Bobbie" Galang tomorrow at 7am. Hope she makes it on time. Traffic infront of the office is horrendous. I got the digicam ready today so I won't forget it tomorrow. I'll be clicking away tomorrow for the pics I'll post soon in our bulletin board and eventually in our new website.
I pretty much have my 1st Advanced speech (The Entertaining Speaker) down pat. I think I'll enjoy delivering it. Entitled "An Extra Mile", it's about my misadventure at the San Francisco International Airport and the chaotic events that resulted. I just hope the audience enjoys it too!
Anyway, we'll be having Gov. Carina "Bobbie" Galang tomorrow at 7am. Hope she makes it on time. Traffic infront of the office is horrendous. I got the digicam ready today so I won't forget it tomorrow. I'll be clicking away tomorrow for the pics I'll post soon in our bulletin board and eventually in our new website.
I pretty much have my 1st Advanced speech (The Entertaining Speaker) down pat. I think I'll enjoy delivering it. Entitled "An Extra Mile", it's about my misadventure at the San Francisco International Airport and the chaotic events that resulted. I just hope the audience enjoys it too!
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