
2 polos, 3 frees, lots of eback
There's must've been a childrens' party yesterday. Here are the clues I got from this morning's swim:
  1. There were a couple of balloons(!) in the pool.
  2. The training platforms were in the pool.
  3. The pool boy moved the kiddie slide from the big pool back to the empty kiddie pool.
  4. Lots of beer bottles in one of the huts (okay, maybe not this one).
Today, I asked the counter girl if the pool gets vacuumed and she said yes. I doubt that. Some of the debris at the pool's bottom have been there since Typhoon Milenyo.

Last Saturday afternoon I got body pains all around that every movement ached when I attempted to sleep. I suppose the Friday workout and the Saturday morning wood chopping was too much. I kinda kidded DH that maybe I should return to weights - just to keep the arms, chest and back ready for hard activities. And I think I might just do that.

Today, Monday, feels like a Friday coz it's a holiday tomorrow - End of Ramadan or something.

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