Have too much to do at work.
Today I copied the "20 Years of 'World Championship of Public Speaking'" DVD at the Helpdesk. Thanx to Vic DLR for this. He bought this at the National level Quartethlon held at the MMLDc Antipolo last year. I didn't attend that one coz I didn't advance beyond the Division level. Anyway, I was dismayed though that the DVD burner at Helpdesk couldn't do a "DVD copy". Mark tried it 3 or 4 attempts, I think. But still the "Error Reading Data" kept showing. And this after I even promised Leo I'd give him a copy. So, finally, I just did a "Data Copy" to get it over with and I did it myself. I thought I could just click the .vob files themselves on the computer and they'd play. Though long, the burn process didn't give an error. I clicked on the files and they played individually. I was much surprised though when I played the disc on the DVD player at home coz it played just fine!
At the 3rd Toastmasters meeting today, Dan showed the audience some scene clips from the movie "Coach Carter" for the members to react to in the Impromptu Speaking section. It was interesting. Today I delivered my After Dinner Speech. It went great. I had to look my notes once and was worried that I may not have covered everything - but I did. Some of my observations:
See all my Toastmasters Speeches online here!
At the 3rd Toastmasters meeting today, Dan showed the audience some scene clips from the movie "Coach Carter" for the members to react to in the Impromptu Speaking section. It was interesting. Today I delivered my After Dinner Speech. It went great. I had to look my notes once and was worried that I may not have covered everything - but I did. Some of my observations:
- I Looked at notes once. Funny, I did this non-chalantly, like it's a natural thing to do.
- I felt I really moved a lot.
- I went forward for the "step-up, raise-the-bar" action. I moved sideways when I asked Edwin.
- My body shifted left to right to attain that panning eye-contact.
- I thought my enumerating the TM skills were funny.
See all my Toastmasters Speeches online here!
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