Video Tutorial
Watch the video below to help you better understand the rest of the article.
Recent Review on the GETGONE Personal Security Alarm
When I received the Amazon package containing the GetGone security device, I immediately made a video. This was my unboxing and review on the GETGONE device. I gave it a 4.9 rating then in December, 2021.
Today, though, I'm giving it a 5 (out of a 5) rating simply because this device has become a lifesaver in my morning walks with Santi. I posted a mini-version of the video above in Facebook. It's the introduction part where the 3 incidents were shown.
Upon seeing that short video, my Facebook friends gave amazingly positive feedback and asked where they could get it.
The Need to Fire the GetGone Device
The encounters that I've experienced in using the GetGone device were on aggressive off-leash dogs on the streets. I try not to fire the device indiscriminately. Three reasons why I won't fire the device:
- No need on dogs behind closed gates or dogs that are tied
Sure, they make a lot of noise from their irritating barks or nasty snarls, but I just don't see the reason to shut them up, even if it's too tempting to do so. I understand they're just reactive and would quiet down as soon as we go past them.
Santi and I walk at a brisk pace, so no, we don't linger around areas where there are barking dogs. I know we walk at a clipped pace because we typically are able to overtake other folks who are walking.
- Not to attract undue attention
Oftentimes, people don't even realize that I fired the device, unless I used it repeatedly at one dog. But even when I used it, I've not heard people talk negatively about the device I carry, nor have I been called out for firing it.
In a couple of instances of dog attacks, nearby folks who heard the device just say they were startled by the sound. Another one heard and saw me fire at his dog and he actually blamed his dog for it. He said, "heh! that's what you get for being so unruly!" His dog was growling and tailing us.
- The frequent sound of firing the device may not be good for my dog
I fear that constantly firing the GetGone device may not be good for Santi either. Santi may get alarmed by the sound but he doesn't go crazy by it.
Actually, he still remains just calm and alert. So I take it that he's okay with the sound. But I sometimes worry if it may affect his hearing over time if the device is fired frequently.
Where Do these Off-Leash Dogs Come From?
So yes, I use the device on aggressive attacking off-leash dogs only. But why are there any, and where do they come from? Note that I'm only writing based on my experiences in where I live.
- Owners let their dogs out to poop
This is the most common reason. Some regularly let them out with a fixed time in a day - in the early morning. The reason they let their dogs out is for the dogs to poop or pee outside. Some owners clean-up after their dogs if they know where the dog pooped.
- Owners let their dogs out to 'exercise'
Or 'to get some air' or 'roam around'. Nothing bad with exercise, but I think it's just a lame excuse for their pets to poop or pee outside (back to #1) because that's one of the things dogs do when they are let out, especially unattended.
- The dog escaped the gate
I think this is by far the most common statement you'd get from dog owners when confronted on their off-leashed dog. It may be true, then it's likely a rare occurrence that their dogs manage to get out from the gate. But if it's too often, then their dogs are either escape artists, or the dog owners are consistently out-witted by their pets.
- Real Strays
These are dogs that no owner claims as theirs. They're most likely thin and scruffy. They're out on the streets because they don't have a permanent home. These dogs are probably the first to be taken by the city pound, if they're out on an operation. They are not very common where I live.
Notes on the Dog Encounters in the Video
The reason I bought the GetGone because I got tired of carrying a walking stick. The walking stick will only work to a certain extent. Super aggressive dogs who're intent in attacking you won't care if you point or wave the stick at them. Unless you hit them on the head with it.
And I needed to whack a couple of vicious dogs on the head to stop the attack. It felt liberating at first, but then, I felt bad that I had to hurt them and didn't want to do that anymore.
So I looked around the internet. I thought, if there was a more humane solution, I'd take it. In one of the episodes of Tom Davies, America's Canine Educator, he mentioned the GetGone. And that's how I bumped into the GetGone Personal Security Alarm.
- 1st Incident - Attack from the Side
The untied dog (with a loose leash) in the video has claimed territory over that portion of the street. These streets which are secondary outliers usually have little foot or vehicular traffic compared to other streets in the neighborhood.
With the street almost "to themeselves", dogs here become more territorial and often expand their territory. Dogs here are more reactive when dogs or even people unfamiliar to them, pass through the street.
2nd Incident - Attack from the Front
Never let quiet dogs lying on the road fool you. Initially, we thought that this was a quiet pooch. But when it continued watching us intently as we approached, I knew something was brewing.
Let "sleeping dogs lie" as they say, but watch out for dogs like these. They like to pounce on you with no regard whatsoever. I highly doubt if a walking stick would've been as effective. I thought I fired the device just in time, as seen in the video.
3rd Incident - Attack from Behind
Looking at the video, I think the third dog was more inquisitive rather than aggressive. However, at that precise moment that it approached us, there was no way for me to know.
It charged from behind and I just had to react quickly. I would say also that that dog had a better temperament in that it responded quickly to recall by the owner. Nowadays, if I do see a dog following Santi, I try to determine if it's merely inquisitive (butt-sniffer) or already an attacker. I found that 80% of the time, it's the former.
Final Tips when Dog Walking
At the latter end of the video, I enumerated some final tips when dog walking.
- Be Very Aware of Your Surroundings
Have a heightened sense of awareness when walking your dog. Use your eyes and ears, specifically. Listen for barking dogs. It may be a sign that an unfamiliar dog, other than yours, is out prowling on the streets. Who knows what temperament that other dog may have.
- Watch Out for Opened Gates and Driveways
This was the situation in the third incident in the video. Seemingly, the dog appeared out of nowhere - although there was an open gate. Also, be on the lookout if a gate that has just been opened. Sometimes an owner may not notice that his excited dog was just waiting to bolt out the gate.
- Be Wary of Dogs Lurking Underneath Parked Vehicles
The danger here is the dog may just quickly snap at you, if you got too close to the vehicle, unknowingly, near its spot. You're lucky if the dog gives a warning growl before coming out.
With parked vehicles, also look what's further ahead that's behind the vehicle. There may be dogs and when they appear, they may already be on to you. Suffice it to say that parked vehicles on both sides of the road constricts the space for which you can maneuver.
- Dogs in a Pack are Extremely Dangerous
Santi and I have once been pushed to a wall by three aggressive dogs. At that time, I was still carrying a walking stick. It was quite scary because once you swing the stick at one, another advances at you.
We were just lucky then that someone nearby was able to distract these dogs enough that we were able to escape them. With the GetGone alarm device, I doubt if dogs in a pack will be able to push you to a wall or corner you. They'll probably back off all at once once you fire the device.
- Be Alert When Walking in Narrow Alleys
The danger here is that there may not be enough room to maneuver for a quick escape. If there is a pack, the dogs may overwhelm you all at once. So, if necessary, fire the device in a brisk sweeping manner at them and then move away quickly.
If you're coming out from a narrow alley into a corner, your peripheral vision may be limited. It may be prudent to proceed cautiously as you approach the corner to see if there are dogs beyond that corner.
- Always Have Your GetGone Device Ready
By 'ready', I mean the device is with you and is ready to fire. I've been carrying the device for four months in our morning walks. I haven't charged it, thus far. I've fired it for about 10 times. Most often though, I just power it on when danger arises, and then power it off when it passes - without having to fire.
Too bad, it doesn't have a 'low battery' indicator. I noticed though that as long as the light is brightly lit, it's good to go. When I have my doubts, I fire it briefly (pointed up in the air), just before we go.
If it looks more like curiousity or inquisitiveness, then I just let it go. Turning on the device would be enough. And then I turn it off once we're about 3 meters away from them. However, if I see a teeth-baring snarl, or even hear a growl as a dog charges, then I won't hesitate to fire it.
I completely agree that this method of protection against wild animals is revolutionary. It's been a lifesaver for both Santi and myself. Happy dog walking!
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